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Review - The Light Between Oceans by M L Stedman

I haven’t cried this much over a book in a long time. 

Set in the 1920s, The Light Between Oceans tells the story of lighthouse keeper Tom Sherbourne and his wife Isabel, who live on a remote island off the coast of Western Australia. 

One day a small rowboat washes up to shore. 

It contains the body of a dead man and a crying baby. 

Having suffered a series of miscarriages, Tom and Isabel decide to raise the child as their own. 

As the story plays out, the consequences of their decision unfold. 

My book cover describes The Light Between Oceans as “story of right and wrong and how sometimes they look the same”. 

It’s also about parental love and loss, choice and the consequences of our decisions. 

There’s a lot of moral ambiguity in The Light Between Oceans which makes it all the more heartbreaking. I felt so sad for the characters as I tried to figure out whether Stedman could give them all a happy ending. 

True, I am currently six months pregnant and my emotions are in overdrive (probably not the best time to be reading about miscarriages and infertility). 

But if you’re a parent, parent-to-be or have ever been faced with the prospect of being unable to have children, it would be difficult not to be affected by this book. 

Would you like to read this book? Buy it here online: 

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  1. I have this book in my wishlist at my book club online. It sounds like a fascinating read.

  2. This sounds like just the kind of book that would get inside my head and live there, and I like that. I can also relate to your struggles, as I have the same issue. My kids came with my marriage, and I love them to death, but I would love it too, if I could have my on little one to raise and love. It sounds like this book made a huge impact on you, as it might me. Very beautiful and heartfelt review.

  3. A very sad but realistic book about the longing to have a baby, an honest mans love for his wife and a mothers love that's stronger than the will to live. Beautifully written, sad and real.


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